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Conversation with Anna Sroka-Hryń

reżyserką spektaklu JEDNEGO SERCA – piosenki z repertuaru C. Niemena
Teatr Muzyczny ROMA. Premiera 16 Luty 2024

„…To był egzamin, powiedziałabym, przedproże spektaklu „Jednego serca”. Spotkałam się z ludźmi szalenie utalentowanymi. To był ich pierwszy rok. Zaproponowałam im, żebyśmy w ramach zajęć „Interpretacja piosenki”, pochylili się nad kilkoma utworami Czesława Niemena. Spotkało się to z ogromnym zainteresowaniem i aplauzem Akademii Teatralnej, ich władz, ale także widzów. Egzamin, jako pokaz umiejętności studentów, został włączony do repertuaru Akademii Teatralnej. Później jak wiadomo, życie płynie swoim torem. Przyszły kolejne wyzwania. Stwierdziłam, że teraz jest dobry moment, żeby wrócić do tego tematu ponownie, ale zupełnie inaczej, w bardziej rozbudowanej formule. Niektórych piosenek, które były wtedy, w „Jednego serca” już nie ma, ponieważ nie pracowały, na historię, którą chciałam opowiedzieć. Natomiast pojawiły się nowe. Łącznie mamy w spektaklu 20 utworów….”

Interview with Helena Rząsa and Iga Szubelak

aktorkami spektaklu dyplomowego CASTING
Akademia Teatralna w Warszawie. Premiera 12 stycznia 2024

„…Jak trzeba się zaprezentować, żeby taki casting wygrać? Myślę, że cały czas poszukujemy tej odpowiedzi, chociaż nie wiadomo, czy ta odpowiedź istnieje…
…stnieje takie przekonanie, że rzeczywiście jest jakaś reguła, że jest jakaś metoda na to, żeby wygrać casting, ale prawdą jest, że w większości przypadków nie jest to do końca od nas zależne. Szczególnie w produkcjach filmowych oraz w serialach. Są poszukiwane konkretne osoby do konkretnych ról i tak naprawdę liczy się bardziej nasza energia, to jacy jesteśmy, no i czy rzeczywiście pasujemy do scenariusza i czy pasujemy według reżysera castingu oraz samego reżysera. Myślę, że idealna prezentacja nie istnieje, warto jest po prostu być sobą za każdym razem…
…I dlatego my będąc sobą zapraszamy wszystkich na premierę naszego dyplomu. Mamy nadzieję, że właśnie ta energia i to, co próbujemy, to co robimy będąc sobą w różnych założonych okolicznościach, przyciągnie widzów, żeby z nami wejść na chwilę do tego świata i pół żartem, pół serio spojrzeć na to, co się dzieje…”

A conversation with Julia Bielinska, Maja Anna Kowalska and Sandra Naum.

actresses of the play INSTRUCTIONS
Theatre Academy Warsaw. Premiere 22 September 2023

"...These are instructions for the simplest of everyday objects, but the focus is not really on the objects themselves, but on what these instructions do to us. What kind of relationship we have with these very manuals, rules, principles that keep us so in check. Often these supposedly simplest things, just like the instructions for folding a wardrobe, for example, can lead to the breakdown of a relationship, because one person wants very much to stick to these instructions and the other wants to do things to spite them. And supposedly these are things that surround us on a daily basis to the point where we hardly notice them anymore, but they actually have a great impact on us...."

Rozmowa z Anną Sroką-Hryń

Conversation with Anna Sroka-Hryń

reżyserką spektaklu JEDNEGO SERCA – piosenki z repertuaru C. Niemena
Teatr Muzyczny ROMA. Premiera 16 Luty 2024

„…To był egzamin, powiedziałabym, przedproże spektaklu „Jednego serca”. Spotkałam się z ludźmi szalenie utalentowanymi. To był ich pierwszy rok. Zaproponowałam im, żebyśmy w ramach zajęć „Interpretacja piosenki”, pochylili się nad kilkoma utworami Czesława Niemena. Spotkało się to z ogromnym zainteresowaniem i aplauzem Akademii Teatralnej, ich władz, ale także widzów. Egzamin, jako pokaz umiejętności studentów, został włączony do repertuaru Akademii Teatralnej. Później jak wiadomo, życie płynie swoim torem. Przyszły kolejne wyzwania. Stwierdziłam, że teraz jest dobry moment, żeby wrócić do tego tematu ponownie, ale zupełnie inaczej, w bardziej rozbudowanej formule. Niektórych piosenek, które były wtedy, w „Jednego serca” już nie ma, ponieważ nie pracowały, na historię, którą chciałam opowiedzieć. Natomiast pojawiły się nowe. Łącznie mamy w spektaklu 20 utworów….”

Rozmowa z Heleną Rząsą i Igą Szubelak

Interview with Helena Rząsa and Iga Szubelak

aktorkami spektaklu dyplomowego CASTING
Akademia Teatralna w Warszawie. Premiera 12 stycznia 2024

„…Jak trzeba się zaprezentować, żeby taki casting wygrać? Myślę, że cały czas poszukujemy tej odpowiedzi, chociaż nie wiadomo, czy ta odpowiedź istnieje…
…stnieje takie przekonanie, że rzeczywiście jest jakaś reguła, że jest jakaś metoda na to, żeby wygrać casting, ale prawdą jest, że w większości przypadków nie jest to do końca od nas zależne. Szczególnie w produkcjach filmowych oraz w serialach. Są poszukiwane konkretne osoby do konkretnych ról i tak naprawdę liczy się bardziej nasza energia, to jacy jesteśmy, no i czy rzeczywiście pasujemy do scenariusza i czy pasujemy według reżysera castingu oraz samego reżysera. Myślę, że idealna prezentacja nie istnieje, warto jest po prostu być sobą za każdym razem…
…I dlatego my będąc sobą zapraszamy wszystkich na premierę naszego dyplomu. Mamy nadzieję, że właśnie ta energia i to, co próbujemy, to co robimy będąc sobą w różnych założonych okolicznościach, przyciągnie widzów, żeby z nami wejść na chwilę do tego świata i pół żartem, pół serio spojrzeć na to, co się dzieje…”

Rozmowa z Julią Bielińską, Mają Anną Kowalską i Sandrą Naum.

A conversation with Julia Bielinska, Maja Anna Kowalska and Sandra Naum.

actresses of the play INSTRUCTIONS
Theatre Academy Warsaw. Premiere 22 September 2023

"...These are instructions for the simplest of everyday objects, but the focus is not really on the objects themselves, but on what these instructions do to us. What kind of relationship we have with these very manuals, rules, principles that keep us so in check. Often these supposedly simplest things, just like the instructions for folding a wardrobe, for example, can lead to the breakdown of a relationship, because one person wants very much to stick to these instructions and the other wants to do things to spite them. And supposedly these are things that surround us on a daily basis to the point where we hardly notice them anymore, but they actually have a great impact on us...."

Rozmowa z Natalią Stachyrą

Interview with Natalia Stachyra

actress of a play with a hand on her throat. Songs from the repertoire of Eva Demarczyk
Modern Theater of Warsaw. Premiere January 14, 2023

"...The characters in which we incarnate were basically a reference point for us to search for, build relationships in the group, some kind of characteristic feature. How we receive incentives, what we fear, and what we give to others. On this basis, we built a whole. It seems to me that my web, my black widow, is not so much dangerous for the environment as it is dangerous for itself because of the decisions it makes, and sometimes because of some bitter structures that are in it. The whole performance is a return to what is inside us, which we are also ashamed of, which, perhaps, does not quite suit us. Make an account of your conscience...”

Rozmowa z Anną Sroką-Hryń

Conversation with Anna Sroka-Hryń

Conversation with Anną Sroką Hryń
.. Valdemar Milevich was truly a pioneer and passionate. Yes, it was a dangerous job, even a very dangerous one, because it ended tragically. He knew it was possible; he had often been on both sides of a conflict, in very dangerous places. I was very fascinated by the uniqueness of this character. I remember his program "strange world", his reports. But I also remember his eyes. I remember that there was a lot of sadness in those eyes. They were eyes that saw a lot…

Rozmowa na koniec sezonu

End-of-season conversation

Interview with Slawomir Grzymkowski
After the end of the 2021/2022 theater season at the Drama Theater in Warsaw, I spoke with Slawomir Grzymkowski.
.. Anya vecherov allows such participation. She is a partner and allows the actor to collaborate on creating a role, as well as offer ideas for the character or ideas for resolving scenes. So it was at the last premiere of "Amadeus", as well as earlier during the rehearsals of "the art of intonation"…

Rozmowa z Wojciechem Rodakiem

Interview with Wojciech Rodak

Director of the play tom in the village
TR WARSAW. Premiere on April 24, 2022

"...I first learned about it 10 years ago when I saw a film by Canadian director, screenwriter and actor Xavier Dolan. The title of the film is "tom"in Polish, "tom a la ferme" in French.The film is based on the play by Canadian playwright Michel Marc Bouchard. It was then that I thought that I would like to do this play in the theater someday. When I got the opportunity to prepare a performance here, it came back to me. Especially since I can somehow relate to my own personal experience of village life, moving to a big city, and moments of difficult family relationships. I think this drama reflects that very strongly. This is such a text....”

Rozmowa z Pawłem Sztarbowskim

Interview with Paweł Sztarbowski

Deputy Program Director of the Universal Theater in Warsaw. Interview before the premiere of FILOKTET EX MACHINA directed by Agata Koszulińska
Premiere: March 19, 2022

"It seems to me that the idea of Agatha and this performance is based on the participation of Kinga Chudobinskaya-Zdunik, who has been struggling with multiple sclerosis for several years. In the play, he talks about his personal experience, about a muddy diagnosis, anxiety, and suffering. She doesn't shy away from a sense of humor in all of this, which makes her confession even more moving. Suddenly, the acting scenes associated with the story of the myth of Philoctetes cease to be abstract, find their roots.", " Kinga is present live on stage, reads excerpts from his diary. The entire surrounding world created by the actors becomes a series of mirror images in which her story will be viewed"”

Rozmowa z Zuzanną Galewicz

Interview with Zuzanna Galewicz

the actress of the performance is closer to the clouds. I'M GOING TO LEAVE NOW.
Theater Academy in Warsaw. Premiere January 22, 2022

"...a chance encounter, six women. Everyone has their own path, and as it turns out, all six women are on this roof at the same time. Everyone is surprised by the presence of others. Everyone has their own "moment", when they get there, they stop for a moment alone with themselves. She doesn't see everything else, and then begins to get her bearings: I don't think I'm alone here. There are other women here besides me. I wonder what they'll say. But each of us has our own five minutes to ourselves...”

Rozmowa z Aleksandrą Ożóg

Conversation with Aleksandra Ożóg

the actress of the performance is closer to the clouds. I'M GOING TO LEAVE NOW.
Theater Academy in Warsaw. Premiere January 22, 2022

"I'm playing the role of Julia's fiancee. Very boring and thirsty girl. I think she craves more than anything else that she hasn't tried in her life yet. He shares his various hobbies on the roof. He fantasizes a lot, talks to animals and birds. And he wonders if this is it? Isn't it this one? He has to come back. Because we recognize it when we run to the roof ... ”

Rozmowa ze Sławomirem Grzymkowskim

Interview with Slawomir Grzymkowski

with the actor of the play " the art of intonation”
Drama Theater in Warsaw. Premiere on January 8, 2022

.. working on this text once again gave me hope that theater based on acting skills and text, rather than effects, is once again possible. We worked very well together, but I believe that the team I created and the relationships I had throughout my work made me rediscover the theater. I started to get involved in the theater again. During the first period of the pandemic, I had a kind of theatrical crisis. Does the theater still appeal to people? Is the theater effective in any way?
 I already have this experience with the previous premiere of Tadeusz Slobodzianka's text " The fatalist. Singer's Fairy Tales in Act V". I think this show is also fantastic. And in him, the actor is also the essence of everything. Actor and text. 

Rozmowa z Iwoną Kempą

Conversation with Ivona Kempa

director of the play teplitsa
Theater Academy in Warsaw. Premiere November 6, 2021

I think it's important for Tannahill that when she puts it in a given reality, she refers to the local context, so that each time she tries to create a collective portrait of young people that will be relevant in a given place and time. For me, this was the perfect material for a graduation performance. I felt that a suburb of Toronto might be a suburb of Warsaw…

Rozmowa z Weroniką Kozakowską i Pawłem Gasztold-Wierzbickim

Interview with Weronika Kozakowska and Paweł Gasztold-Wierzbicki

director of the play teplitsa
Theater Academy in Warsaw. Premiere November 6, 2021

Veronika Kazakovskaya: after the first reading, I was overcome with hope, and I felt that this is really fantastic material for the diploma, because it is based on the team, on the group that we were supposed to build here. It was a fantastic challenge for all of our top ten…

Rozmowa z Jakubem Skrzywankiem

Interview with Jakub Skrzywanek

director of the play immoral fairy tales
General Theater in Warsaw. Premiere on September 25, 2021

We are constantly afraid to admit that sexuality is something really common, very close to us. The first sketch, which you mentioned, begins with a few minutes of insistent approach to the body, or rather, to the ass of the actress, who is riding a bicycle. This is one of the examples of a typically patriarchal cinematic view, and you can say that it is somehow unpleasant. That is why we have abandoned such optics, and formally we are discussing this thanks to the study on Polanski…

Rozmowa z Maciejem Dybowskim

Interview with Maciej Dybowski

the actor of the play and the planets go crazy
Modern theater in Warsaw. Premiere on August 20, 2021

The performance was based on the texts of Kora, but the texts were worked out in a literary and arranged way. Like an actor, you need to pass each text through yourself. This isn't a one-to-one cora song. They have a unique drama, precise joint choreography. Anna was our main choreographer. The main thing is that it was our joint project, in which we contributed our own ideas. Anya had outlines, drawings, and ideas in her head. Such pictures, but we also offered a lot from each other, so it looks like this, and not otherwise. We had very long discussions ... then came the musical layer composed by Mateusz Dembski. Somewhere on the canvas of the original chords, but stylistically it has nothing to do with rock. The accompanying ensemble consists of a piano, double bass and harp. Who would have thought a harp would fit Maanam? No, neither do we. It was a suggestion that makes me feel hot when I listen to the harp in Maanam.